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2020 Photos

Wrap-up COVID19 tournament
Sept. 26 & 27, 2020
(c/w special COVID tournament trophy constructed & painted by Peter Scott)
Prize envelopes presented by Chuck Benson & Sandi Mitchell

1st place – Diane Cruickshank & Barry Conn (with award presenter & the face of the COVID trophy Chuck Benson)

2nd place – Fay St. Marie & Keith Terlson

3rd place – Merry Danarti & Christian Massey

4th place – Don Urquhart & Wayne Larocque

Presentation to Olav

Some of the club members went over to give Olav a Happy 90th Birthday card and cake, a day early, on the 20th. This photo shows Pat presenting the cake to Olav.
Pat Kelly presenting the cake to Olav.

Pat Kelly presenting the cake to Olav.

Pairs mini tournament – Sept. 4, 2020

First place: Martin Fereday & Kent Card

First place: Martin Fereday & Kent Card

Second place: Chris Fereday & Diane Cruickshank

Second place: Chris Fereday & Diane Cruickshank

Pairs mini tournament – August 19, 2020

First place: Chris & Martin Fereday

First place: Chris & Martin Fereday

Second place: Anne & Geoff Holland

Second place: Anne & Geoff Holland

June 27, 2020 – PHASE 1 of COVID19 Return to play. Morning hour

June 27, 2020 – PHASE 1 of COVID19 Return to play. Afternoon

June 14, 2020 – HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY !!
A very Happy 90th Birthday to long time PLBC member Martha Pow!
We hope you enjoyed your “drive-by” birthday parade. We lost count of the number of cars but rough estimate was 160-180!

Martha enjoying the festivities.

Martha enjoying the festivities.

The cars all decked out!

The cars all decked out!

A Happy Birthday from a social distancing fireman.

A Happy Birthday from a social distancing fireman.

The line-up to drive in was long! Cars in front of us....

The line-up to drive in was long! Cars in front of us….

and more cars behind!

and more cars behind!

Fire trucks got in first

Fire trucks got in first

and another

and another

We can almost see her..

We can almost see her

She is up there somewhere!

She is up there somewhere!

The overflow line

The overflow line

More of the overflow line

More of the overflow line

We are done but they are still lined up 30 minutes later!

We are done but they are still lined up 30 minutes later

Bottle Drive – May 12 & 13, 2020

Thank you for all your support for our bottle drive. It was a great success. And a BIG THANKS to all that helped out!

50/50 Raffle – March 6, 2020:

The winning ticket for PLBC’s 50/50 raffle was drawn on Friday, by Al Cameron (of Bluenose Motors) with PLBC’s Martin Fereday watching on.
Thank you to all those who supported the club by purchasing a ticket!