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Information for the Membership

Information for the Membership

As you are all now probably aware that Vicki has retired from her duties of Social Director. The first problem was that no one came forward to take over the job. The second was that due to this the kitchen would be closed completely.

After the AGM several of us had a discussion and decided, if the Board agreed, that I would take over the duties as Social Director with some conditions. This was that a new committee would be set up and initially the winter usage of the kitchen would continue and for the summer season only tea, coffee and goodies would be provided at all Club and Open Competitions, all lunches would be Brown Bag.

However, when the committee gets together, we are hoping to be able to organize and host at least a Christmas Party. This will only happen with the full involvement of the membership under the guidance of the Social Committee.

All other events needing refreshments other than tea, coffee and goodies, such as Canada Day, BC Day etc. will be organized and run by a separate volunteer committee. With initial assistance and guidance of the Social Committee.

Basically, the object is to keep the kitchen open and functional without the need for time and energy consuming full sit-down meals.

Finally, I must emphasize that this can only continue with the full cooperation and assistance from the membership.


Mick Banks

Fun Card and Board Game Night Saturday November 18th.

This will be a night to have some fun playing some different and unusual card and board games.  Games we have for the evening are the kind of games that do not need a lot of instruction or skill………just some fun and some laughs. Some potential games to be played are:  Saskatchewan Rummy, Quiddler, Sequence, Mexican Train, Crazy 8’s and a host of others.  Doesn’t matter if you don’t know any of the games.   They are all simple, easy to follow and understand.

Just like lawn bowling, we Draw for the table you will play at.  The Draw takes place at 7:00 PM so please arrive a little early (6:45-6:50).   We play for about 1.25 hours, stop for refreshments, and then draw for another game.   Play is usually over about 9:30 PM.

 Cost is $2.00 and that includes tea and snacks.  Bar is also open for the evening.

Questions:    call Barry Conn at 250-927-2468 or


The regular sessions of Mahjong will be starting on Monday, November 6th at 7:00 pm. The lessons are now complete and we look forward to welcoming back all of our members.

Halloween Games Day 2023 – Amendments

Halloween Games Day 2022 –  Amendments

Full Day with games, tea coffee and goodies and meal afterwards remains at $10.00.

Games with just tea coffee and goodies (No Meal) $5.00.

Please specify when signing up.


Sandi Mitchell is still accepting entries by e mail.

Mick Banks will also accept entries at the Club during Friday Short mat.

More entries are required as soon as possible to make the day possible.

Halloween Games Day 2023

Saturday October 28th 2023

Start at 12:30 pm for 1:00 pm

Lasagna, salad, and dessert plus tea, coffee, goodies and prizes

Come and play games you have not tried before:

Short Mat Bean Bag Toss (Cornhole) Wii Tenpin Bowling  + Darts x 2  + Table Skittles

If possible dress in purple, black, orange or even better COSTUME

Maximum of 36 contestants, 12 mixed teams

First come first served

Entries on or After 10:00 am

Sign-up contact – Sandi Mitchell


Winter Activities

We have a full slate of winter activities planned. Please consider the following for your winter social calendar.

Mahjong is open to club members and the public so please feel free to invite friends and relatives to join us. We will be playing the Chinese version of Mahjong. It is important to realize that this game bears no similarity to the games played on the internet. The season for veteran players will begin on Monday, November 6th at 7:00 p.m. Please arrive a few minutes early.

If you have never played Mahjong before or you would like to refresh your skills, or if you have played the American version and would like to learn the Chinese version, we will be providing 3 weeks of instruction beginning on Monday, October 16th. 

Coordinaor: Murray Sinclair

Tuesday, Friday and Sunday:

Short Mat: Times are 1:00 – 3:00

For those members who are wondering what short mat is all about, now is your opportunity to find out.

 No ongoing commitment required.  We also contribute 25 cents a session which allows us to hold a get together at the end of the season. Last year it was a pizza party.

For the Information Meeting, the mats will be setup so we can explain what the various areas on the mats are, a few of the basic rules, suggested stance and delivery styles.

You will have the opportunity to deliver some bowls if you so desire.

Please wash your bowls before coming to remove any chemicals from them that they may have picked up from the green. Don’t put any polish or wax on them as that will absorb into the mats.

If you will be using Club bowls please arrive a little early so you can wash and dry them before we begin.

 Coordinator: Garry Steele


Crib will start Wednesday October 11th. We will play from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. We will start with 6 games until attendance grows, then 8 games.  So please tell your friends. Coordinators: Brian Larkin and Terry Nichols

Darts begins Oct 11th
Wed evenings 7- 9pm
Members only
Coordinators: Wayne Laroque and Tex Gooding
Bridge begins Oct 12th
Thursday afternoons 1- 4 pm
It’s open to both members and the public.
Coordinators: Wayne Laroque and Carol Matthews
The fun Card and Board Games nights have also been scheduled with the first one on Saturday, October 21st

Week of September 4 – September 10, 2023



Cocktails 4:30 pm

Dinner at 6:00 pm

Awards at 7:30 pm



Pork Stroganoff & Creamed Mashed Potatoes

Seasonal Vegetables



Tickets $15:00

Tickets available from Vicki Banks.



I have 5 x $100 Thrifty Smile Cards available, if anybody would like one, please contact Chris Fereday.  The Club bought extras so that we would qualify for the full discount.


Could that be #007???

Chuck Benson, our ace photographer, was out the other day and captured this great picture of what initially was though to be James Bond tumbling down to earth in a parachute,  However, upon further investigation, it was clarified that

007 Gooding on his BIG birthday!!!

our sometimes bar tender, ex-British naval fellow  and generally all round good guy Tex Gooding was parachuting to earth to celebrate his 80th birthday.  Apparently it was a little bit more than 80, but COVID seemed to mess up the math a bit.  All in all, Tex…a pretty cool way to celebrate your special day.


Week of August 21 – 27, 2023

Battle of the Sexes – September 20 & 21, 2023

Club Men’s and Ladies’ Triples. The event is being run differently this year. It will be Ladies vs. Men the whole tournament. Further information to follow regarding sign up.


Final Fun Day Event

Our final Fun Day event of the season will be held on Monday, September 4th. Please have your tags in by 12:45. There will be a short skills contest on the green followed by an 8 end game featuring mystery scoring surprises for each end. This is guaranteed to create lots of fun and will be followed by a social time in the clubhouse.


Week of August 7 – 13, 2023

Friday afternoon draw update

The Friday loonie/toonie Draw will be 12 ends until further notice. This change is due to the high temperatures.

Thank you, Mick.


Baking Update

Thanks to all the members that rallied to my call for cakes and cookies to replenish the stock. The response was unbelievable. We are now very much replenished and the freezers are bursting at the seams. This stock should, I hope, last for some time so you can all take some time off.

Many thanks again, Vicki


Fun and Food Night

A fun and food night is planned for Wednesday, August 30 @ 5:00 pm. The meal will be crispy fried chicken, potato salad or coleslaw.  Dessert , tea and coffee will be served after 10 ends of “Count ‘em down…count ‘em up”. The cost will be $10.00. The sign up sheet will be posted on Monday, August 14th in the sun room and will be removed on Monday, August 28th. Sign up and join in the fun.

Ken Bucyk
Fun & Food Coordinator