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Tape Measures

Tape Measures

I have received some tape measures for bowling and also some spray chalk. The measures are $50. If you are interested let me know by phone or email.

Sandi Mitchell

Something to Make You Smile

Hi all.  The greens have now been put to bed, the awards handed out and the fall/winter activities have begun.  However, here is one last picture to enjoy, that of the last day of outdoor bowling at our club for the 2024 season.  Thanks to all who took part, thanks to Chuck for the photo and to the weather gods who were smiling on us that day.

Carol Bucyk

The last day of the outdoor lawn bowling season for 2024.

Today (October 9) – Last Day To Order Your Smile Cards Now

Let’s start off the new financial year with this great fundraiser.  Purchase Smile Cards (gift cards) from Thrifty’s to use when you buy your groceries, the club will make up to 6% on whatever we sell.  The cards are available in denominations of $50, $100 or $200 and must be ordered by Wednesday October 9th.  They will then be available for pick up Friday.

It’s simple, just Click

Last day to order is Wednesday October 9th.

Halloween Games Day – Registration is now open!

Saturday 26th October 2024

Start at 12.30 pm for 1.00 pm

Open to all Members and Social Members.

Each Triples Team, chosen by a very fair draw, plays six different fun games.

Three original games from last year with three new challenges.

Come along and try something different.

A very pleasant meal will be provided at the end of the competition.

Games and food for the cost of $10.00 each.

Please wear something relevant to Halloween or preferably the costume of your choice

Sign up on or after 10 am on 3rd October by contacting Sandi Mitchell,

Full details on the games notice board.

Any questions or enquiries contact Mick Banks,

Winter Activities

The Lawn Bowling season has ended but your club continues to offer many indoor activities throughout the winter. Your membership entitles you to take part in as many of these activities as you wish. The emphasis in these activities is on sociability and fun, so come out and join us.


Monday,  September 30th and October 7th at 7:00 p.m. we will be offering lessons for anyone wishing to learn how to play Chinese Mahjong. Regular play will commence on Monday, October 14th at 7:00 p.m.

This activity is open to club members as well as the public. The cost is $2.00 per night.

Coordinators: Marilyn and Murray Sinclair


Begins Wednesday, October 16th at 1:00 p.m. 

This activity is open to club members as well as the public. The cost is $4.00 per day.

Coordinators: Terry Nichols and Brian Larkin


Begins Thursday, October 17th at 1:00 p.m.

This activity is open to club members as well as the public. The cost is $4.00 per day.

Coordinator: Sandi Mitchell

Short Mat

This activity is held on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday of each week at 1:00 p.m. The opening day is Friday, October 18th.

This activity is open to club members only. The cost is $2.00 per day.

Coordinator Mick Banks


Begins Wednesday, October 16th at 7:00 p.m.

This activity is open to club members only. The cost is $2.00 per night.

Coordinators Wayne Larocque and Tex Gooding

Also, keep watching for special events such as the Upcoming Hallowe’en Party. 

Qualicum Beach – Indoor Bowling

Attached is a letter from Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club. Also attached is the schedule for October 7 – November 10, 2024.

Lynn has advised that QBLBC will once again be offering the Premier League on Tuesdays from 11:00 am to 4:30  commencing October 8, 2024. They will also run the Premier League on Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm commencing October 12, 2024. Please contact Lynn at regarding which days or if you would like both days to enter.

Qualicum Beach – Letter to Bowlers regarding Indoor Bowling

Qualicum Beach – Indoor Schedule October 7 – November 10, 2024


Final Club Tournament of the Year Winners Decided

The  last major tournament of the year, the Gloria Wilcox Men’s and Women’s Triples Tournament took place on Wednesday and Thursday September 18th and 19th under almost perfect weather conditions.  For the men, it was the winning team of Rick Dolley, Howard Auld and Bob Ashton.  Martin Fereday, Clive Arthorne and Ken Tait took second, while the team of Andy Burton, Andy Burpee and Tex Gooding rounded out third place.

On the women’s side, Merry Danarti, Leslie Leinweber and Miriam Gunn pulled off a first place finish.  Second went to Mary Card, Jeanette Ferguson and Avril Adamson.  Third place honours were earned by Sandi Mitchell, Barb Campbell and Donna Dunn.

These top six teams then played off against each other for the coveted Salmon Cup Trophy with the men coming out on top and with that, getting the honours of being this year’s winners.  The men earned 4 points, with a +4 differential and 8 ends, while the women got 4 points, a -4 differential and 7 ends.

Some  big thank yous go out to the following folks who helped to make this final event a success:  Vicki Banks, who came out of retirement  to do magic in our kitchen, greens crew, set-up crew, the bar for keeping us hydrated, our club photographer, Chuck Benson, Joey Merrell and Sandi, who were the go-to people for this event,  the games committee, Kathleen Motley, all of the players and spectators who came, and to the novice and intermediate players who stepped up and got involved in this tournament.

This tournament officially finishes our outdoor activities and the fun now switches to the indoor ones which begin with mahjong on September 30th.  Please check previous entries for times, dates, prices,  and coordinators.

Carol Bucyk




Leslie Leinweber, Merry Danarti and Miriam Gunn, women’s winners of the Gloria Wilcox Men’s and Women’s Club Triples Tournament.





Bob Ashton, Rick Dolley and Howard Auld, winners of the men’s side of the Gloria Wilcox Men’s and Women’s Club Triples.

The Library needs your help

It is wonderful that many people use the library but it appears that some books are not being returned but are being replaced.

Please remember this is a LIBRARY not a book exchange. When you borrow books, they should ALWAYS BE RETURNED.

The library thrives on the books donated by members for others to enjoy. However, due to limited shelf space, please keep books published 20, 30 or more years ago at home and bring them to the club in April for the garage/book sale.

Thank you everyone.
Debbie Lawrence

Management Needs for PLBC

Dear Members:

This successful bowling season is drawing to a close and many thanks to those leaders and volunteers who are responsible for that success.  We are a large club with over 150 members and it is time to consider our management needs for next season. In November we must select the members who will guide us in 2025. It is a rewarding experience to help with the running of our club and the nominations committee needs to hear from those who are willing to stand.  In particular the following important areas are in need of a candidate. 

We must find a treasurer. The qualifications needed do not demand a chartered accountant. Within our membership there will be many of you who have managed and kept financial records in your respective careers.

We need someone to be responsible for our building requirements. A role that requires management and attention to the routine use and upkeep of the property.

There is a requirement for a Social Director on the Board. Last year the annual meeting failed to find a candidate. One of the main duties of the Social Director is the kitchen and the problem with candidates being unwilling to accept that responsibility.  However an elected candidate, with the Boards’s help could set up a kitchen management arrangement with the assistance of our many wonderful volunteers.

In particular the interest of our new members, in taking up the challenge, would be most welcome. We need to close the gap from the lost “covid” years and to encourage an influx of new talent and enthusiasm.

We anxiously await your response ( Trevor, Martin and Geoff ) 

District Pairs Winners Decided in Qualicum

The Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club was home to the District Pairs Championship  September 14th and 15th.  Winners of the event were the home club’s Mike Ward and Helen Roberts who took gold and the trophy, beating out  silver medal winners Vern Greenhill and Leone King from Courtenay.  Both had a 4-0 record going into the  final match.

Also of note were the four Parksville teams who had entered the event.  Last year’s winners and defending champions were Ken and Carol Bucyk who ended up with a 3-1 record, as did the Club Pairs Champs, Robbie Thomas and Don Urquhart.  Sandi Mitchell and Wayne Larocque as well as Mary and Kent Card represented our club.

A big thank you goes out to everyone from the Qualicum club who made the event such a success.  Thank  also to the games committee who made this all happen as well as to all the participants who played  under perfect weather conditions.  The District Pairs Championship wraps up the last of the District tournaments for the year.

Carol Bucyk