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Week of December 4 – 10, 2023

Christmas Party

This is a reminder that the Club Christmas Party will be going ahead on Saturday 16th December. Previous details still apply with an extra emphasis that all food that you bring must be finger food. If to be served hot please preheat the food at home. It can be kept warm at the Club until required. Christmas sweaters to be worn please but not compulsory. Any further questions please contact Mick by email.



Details on the Secret Santa gift exchange: 

If you wish to participate in the gift exchange please bring a wrapped gift and place it on the gift table along with your name tag from the draw room. If you are a social member and don’t have a tag one will be made up for you at the gift table.  At some point during the day a name from the gift bag will be called and that person will pick a gift from under the tree and unwrap it. After the first gift has been unwrapped the next person can take either an unwrapped gift or choose a gift from under the tree. If your unwrapped gift is taken from you you will get to choose another one from under the tree and unwrap it. Unwrapped gifts cannot be hidden away.  A huge penalty may be inflicted, such as if we sing 12 days of Christmas you will get to perform solo 5 golden rings. Gifts can be appropriate for any sex.

Sandi Mitchell

Information for the Membership

Information for the Membership

As you are all now probably aware that Vicki has retired from her duties of Social Director. The first problem was that no one came forward to take over the job. The second was that due to this the kitchen would be closed completely.

After the AGM several of us had a discussion and decided, if the Board agreed, that I would take over the duties as Social Director with some conditions. This was that a new committee would be set up and initially the winter usage of the kitchen would continue and for the summer season only tea, coffee and goodies would be provided at all Club and Open Competitions, all lunches would be Brown Bag.

However, when the committee gets together, we are hoping to be able to organize and host at least a Christmas Party. This will only happen with the full involvement of the membership under the guidance of the Social Committee.

All other events needing refreshments other than tea, coffee and goodies, such as Canada Day, BC Day etc. will be organized and run by a separate volunteer committee. With initial assistance and guidance of the Social Committee.

Basically, the object is to keep the kitchen open and functional without the need for time and energy consuming full sit-down meals.

Finally, I must emphasize that this can only continue with the full cooperation and assistance from the membership.


Mick Banks

Week of November 13 – 19, 2023


It’s time to order your Thrifty’s Smile Cards for all your Christmas goodies.  Last day to order is Friday November 24th, for distribution the following week.  Click on to order.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Chris Fereday


Following the Annual General Meeting held November 19, 2023, below is a list of the Elected PLBC Executive and Board:

PLBC Executive

President                            Trevor Motley
Vice President                    Don Bouchard
Treasurer                            Martin Fereday
Secretary                            Bob Allaby

Operation Directors ( on PLBC)

Membership                      Kathleen Arthorne
Grounds                            Andrew Adamson
Building maintenance       Martin Perrin
Fundraising                       Miriam Gunn
Games                              Kathleen Motley
Social                                Mick Banks
Safety Officer                    Don Bouchard

Greens                              Rob Matthews
Officiating                        Martin Fereday
Coaching &                       Sandi Mitchell
player development
Publicity                            Carol Bucyk
Bar                                     Bill Burgess
Library                              Debbie Lawrence

Auditor                              Bob Merrell

Monday morning              Joey Merrell
messages and updates
to the Calendar &
What’s Happening
PLBC website                  Don Urquhart
Outreach                         Pat Larkin


Future MMM emails

Please be advised that in the future, MMM emails will no longer be sent weekly. We ask you to refer to our website on a regular basis to keep informed of Club news. From time to time, you will still receive MMM emails for timely or very important matters. If you require any assistance with accessing information on the website, please let us know and we will provide training/assistance. Please continue to send your requests to be added to the website to the MMM email address and we will ensure they get posted.

Food Drive

A box is being placed in the Sunroom to accept food donations for the local food drive.  Please feel free to stop by anytime to make your donation… or, bring a non perishable item with you to the AGM and place it in the box.  Every little bit helps when you are someone in need.
Many thanks in advance for you kindness.
Wayne & Sheila Larocque

Week of October 16 – 22, 2023

Beach Fest Sand Sculpting Cheque – $3,587.50

We want to extend a great big THANK YOU to all who volunteered as Gate Ambassadors to this year’s Beach Fest Sand Sculpting Competition. It was a huge success as demonstrated by the cheque our club received from the Beach Fest Board. Hope you had as much fun as we did and look forward to seeing you again next year.

Wayne & Sheila Larocque

Week of October 2 – 8, 2023

Halloween Games Day 2022 –  Amendments

Full Day with games, tea coffee and goodies and meal afterwards remains at $10.00. Games with just tea coffee and goodies (No Meal) $5.00. Please specify when signing up.

Sandi Mitchell is still accepting entries by e mail. Mick Banks will also accept entries at the Club during Friday Short mat. More entries are required as soon as possible to make the day possible.


Mick Banks


Coring and Sanding Workers

We would like to pass on our thanks to all who turned out last Monday and Tuesday to help Core and sand the green. Extra thanks to those hardy volunteers who not only braved the Monday rain but then turned up on Tuesday! Thanks also to Vicki and Lynn for, as always, providing Food and beverage on both days. Without volunteers such as yourselves, and others, the upkeep of the club would prove very difficult.

Many Thanks.

Rob, Brian and Mick



Thank you to those who came out this morning.

Because of the weather today, we were not able to complete putting the greens to bed. Therefore, we will start the sanding tomorrow at 9:00 am.

Please come out if you are able.

Mick Banks



We’re accepting orders for this batch of Thrifty’s Smile Cards until Friday, October 6th.  It’s simple to place your order on the website, just by clicking:

Payments by e-transfer to or cheque or cash.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Chris Fereday

Week of September 18th – 24, 2023

The Greens are now closed.

Despite the weather, the Greens are closed for maintenance, spraying of chemicals, or other work for testing of machines such as the slit seeder. If the aerator or sander need adjustments, they can be worked on when the weather permits.

Monday October 2, is reserved for Aeration and sanding.  The volunteers for sanding should not arrive until 9:00 or later. It is a safety concern to allow Mick and Brian to use the Aerator without volunteers in the green.

We do not intend to work on Tuesday October 3.  Any testing of the slit seeder will be done before Monday Oct 2, weather permitting.

Rob Matthews
Greens Keeper


Introduction to Short Mat Meeting – Friday, September 29, 2023 @ 1:00 pm

For those members who are wondering what short mat is all about, now is your opportunity to find out.

We meet Tuesdays , Fridays and Sundays at 1:00 PM. No ongoing commitment required. The fee for each session is $3.00. We also contribute 25 cents a session which allows us to hold a get together at the end of the season. Last year it was a pizza party.

For the Information Meeting, the mats will be setup so we can explain what the various areas on the mats are, a few of the basic rules, suggested stance and delivery styles.

You will have the opportunity to deliver some bowls if you so desire.

Please wash your bowls before coming to remove any chemicals from them that they may have picked up from the green. Don’t put any polish or wax on them as that will absorb into the mats.

If you will be using Club bowls please arrive a little early so you can wash and dry them before we begin.

We hope to see you all then!


IMPORTANT Update for the Volunteers attending to help put the greens to bed for the Winter ……

The Grounds Committee has made the decision to put the greens to bed on Monday, October 2nd  2023 instead of the original dates of September 25th and 26th, 2023. Aeration will begin at 9:00 a.m.



Please note the date and time for the Annual General Meeting has been set for 1:00 pm on November 18, 2023. Further details to follow.



Week of September 11 – 17, 2023

Closing Day Festivities

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Tags in by 10:45 am for one 12 end game.


Year End Awards Dinner Update

The Awards Dinner is now fully booked up to the 60 person limit. We hope that not too many members have been disappointed. However, just in case of cancellations, there will be a spares list posted at the club as soon as possible. For reference the full list of the members that have signed up will also be posted at the club. If you have not already purchased your tickets Vicki will be at the club all day Wednesday and Thursday during the Battle of the Sexes. Please make the effort to attend and pay for your ticket[s].


Update for the Volunteers attending to help put the greens to bed for the Winter ……

START TIME FOR TUESDAY ONLY WILL BE 9:00 am. Monday start time remains the same at 8:00 am.

Males and females are all welcome to come out and assist. If you are volunteering, and you have a snow shovel, personal shovel or wheelbarrow, please bring those along.


Volunteers needed!!    

To help put the greens to bed for the Winter.

Monday, September 25th at 8:00 am and Tuesday September 26th at 9:00 am (this is the revised time).

Monday 25th

 3 hours for Hydraulic Slit Seeder testing.

Other volunteers needed to shift sand via Tractor and trailer. Sand transportation to green from shed by Sandi Mitchell’s trailer using the tractor.

Usual Monday social coffee etc. after testing.

Monday afternoon off.

Tuesday 26th 

  1.     Core aeration.
  2.     Remove cores.  Tractor and trailer can also be used.
  3.     Sand and over-seed.

At some time during these proceedings Vicki will provide a light lunch.

Rob Matthews



Week of September 4 – September 10, 2023



Cocktails 4:30 pm

Dinner at 6:00 pm

Awards at 7:30 pm



Pork Stroganoff & Creamed Mashed Potatoes

Seasonal Vegetables



Tickets $15:00

Tickets available from Vicki Banks.



I have 5 x $100 Thrifty Smile Cards available, if anybody would like one, please contact Chris Fereday.  The Club bought extras so that we would qualify for the full discount.