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Quality Foods Triples Tournament Results

Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club  held its annual Men’s and Women’s Triples Tournament sponsored by Quality Foods and three Parksville teams  were successful in their efforts.  The results are as follows.  On the women’s side it was Pat Norrad, Linda Mires and Beth Perrier of Courtenay  taking first place.  Second went to the Parksville team of Sandi Mitchell, Chris Fereday and Cheryl Baker.  Third  went to our own Anne Holland, Jo Merrell and Karen Perrin.  On the men’s side, it was the Courtenay’s Dean Penny, Vern Greenhill and Henri Saucier who took first place.  Hal Gray, Gary Carson and Terry Doyle of Courtenay took second, while Parksville’s own Rick Dolley, Christian Masse and Bob Allaby coming in third.




Scotch Pairs Tournament a Hit

Several Parksville teams took part in the 2-day Scotch Pairs Tournament held on June 3 & 4th in Courtenay.  We’re proud to say that our own team of Mike Kelly and Sara Goff took third place in this event.  The final results of the tournament are as follows:  Vern Hagstrom & Linda Cooper (1st place and trophy winners from Nanaimo), Second place was  the father and daughter team of Eric and Luci Ewen form Qualicum Beach.  Third,  our own Mike Kelly and Sara Goff from Parksville.  Fourth and fifth places went to the Courtenay teams of Vern Greenhill with April Gilchrist and Archie Harris with Margarite Sklarchuk.  A big thank you to all the teams who participated and to the Courtenay club who organized such a well run tournament.



Parksville Club Comes Third in Nanaimo

The Parksville team of Bill Burgess, Luise Norman and Don Urquhart placed third in the Nanaimo Triples Tournament held this past weekend.  The event was sponsored by Ramsay Lampmans Rhodes Lawyers and drew players from around the island.  The Dean Penny team from Courtenay took first place, Mike Ward’s Qualicum Beach team came second and Nanaimo’s own Vern Hagstrom  came fourth.

Parksville Makes Strong Showing In Powell River

Parksville’s two teams came in a strong second during the President’s Cup held in Powell River this week.  Congratulations to Team #1 consisting of Trevor Motley, Chuck and Beverly Benson, and Team #2 with Diane Cruickshank, Kathleen Motley and Don Bouchard.   Congratulations!