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Parksville Women Shine in QB Tournament

The Quality Foods Open Men’s and Women’s Triples was full of exciting finishes this past weekend.  A slight mix-up in the finishes prevented me from getting information accurately, but today, we have the final results (with proper names and spellings).

First place went to the Nanaimo team of Kathleen Sherry, Lezlie Howe and Karen Hungar.  Second was earned by our own Roberta Stets, Jeanette Ferguson and Janet Harding.  Courtenay’s team of Shelly McCallum,  Beth Perrier and Leone King earned third place, while the host club team of Helen Roberts, Denis Hooper and Nancy Blue took fourth.

Carol Bucyk

Quality Foods Open Triples Brings Winners from Across District

It was a pretty much perfect weekend for lawn bowling when the Quality Foods Men’s and Women’s Triples Tournament was held in Qualicum Beach June 8th and 9th.    The winners on the men’s side were  Vern Hagstrom, Adrian Hewitt and Wayne Magneault of Nanaimo.  Second place went to Mike Ward, James McDonald and Charles MacIntyre of the home club in Qualicum Beach.   Our own Rick Dolley, Ken Bucyk and George Wallis took home third place.  The hard working team of Dean Penny, Vern Greenhill and Henri Saucier of Courtenay  placed fourth.  Rounding out the top five was another Qualicum team, that of George Opacic, Ross Nakagawa and Willie Dunlop.

Carol Bucyk

Now That Was a Wet One!!!

It was a wild and weekend up in Courtenay for the Ramsay Lampman Rhodes Scotch Pairs Tournament.  The event, which ran June 1 & 2  had dreary, chilly and spitting rain, with Sunday having some of the toughest conditions in which to play.  Although Parksville was well represented, we were blanked out by three other clubs and their teams.  First place  and top prize went to the home team of  Wayne and Leone King of Courtenay.  Dean Penny and Hal Gray, also of Courtenay,  earned second place.  Third went to Nanaimo’s Vern Hagstrom and Linda Cooper.   Courtenay’s April Gilchrist and Vern Greenhill took fourth while the father -daughter team of Erik Ewen and Luci Ewen of Qualicum Beach  earned fifth place winnings.

Carol Bucyk

Parksville Teams Shine in Weekend Tournament

The weather was decent and the bowling was fantastic this weekend at the  Ramsay Lampman  Rhodes Mixed Triples Tournament held in Nanaimo.  Best of all, two Parksville teams earned some serious cash after their second and third place finishes.

Congratulations go out to Team Penny of Courtenay  for their win in the two day event.  Second place went to our own  Bob Allaby, Luise Norman/Sandi Mitchell  and Sue Tompkins.  Third place was earned by the Parksville  team of Bill Burgess, Don Urquhart and Robbie Thomas.

Bowlympics a Big Hit at Parksville Club

Bronze Medal Winners Mary Card, Diana Olenick and Roger Taylor with the ever handsome Detritus.
Gold medal winners Trevor Motley, Kathleen Motley, Detritus and Nadine Kilkenny.



Brian Larkin, Detritus, Miriam Gunn, Jeff McEachern and Peter Scott, Silver Medal winners.

This year’s Bowlympics was played under sunny skies and light winds with a great response  of  both experienced and novice players turning out for the event.  The combination of regular and unique skill challenges in lawn bowling made for a lot of laughs and light-hearted  banter.  A special guest  appearance in the person of Detritus (a.k.a. Geoff Holland), helped to complete the afternoon’s event.

The Gold Medal went to the team of Trevor Motley, Kathleen Motley and novice Nadine Kilkenny.  They scored a whopping 18 points for their medal win.

Silver Medal winners with 16 points was  the team of Peter Scott, Miriam Gunn, Brian Larkin and Jeff McEachern, another novice.

Mary Card, Diana Olenick and novice,  Roger Taylor,  earned the Bronze Medal with 13 points.

The club would like to thank RBC Wealth Management , Louise Alix and Sandy Taylor  for their involvement with the event which has been a part of the club’s schedule since 2002.  Also, congratulations to all the novices who came out for this event.  We hoped you had fun and we’ll see you in even more of our club’s events.  A special thanks to Chuck Benson for the great pics.  Always reliable and always great shots!!

Carol Bucyk

Parksville Blanked in “Ed and Lucie Triples” Tournament in Courtenay

  The Ed and Lucie Triples Tournament was held this past weekend in Courtenay with fourteen teams in the running for prizes.   Unfortunately, the Parksville  Lawn Bowling Club, which was well represented, got blanked in the tournament.

After two long days,  with serious rain on Saturday and sunny skies on Sunday, the winners were decided with Rick Quibell’s team from Nanaimo taking top prize.  Next came Erik Ewen’s team from Qualicum Beach.  Hal Gray and Rosemary Montreil from Courtenay  earned third and fourth places respectively.  Vern Hagstrom took fifth of Nanaimo and Dean Penny of Courtenay took the final spot in the winner’s circle.  Rick Dolley’s team ended their tournament with a 2 and 2 record and the highest score of six points of the Parksville teams entered.

Thanks to the teams skipped by Rick Dolley, Luise Norman, Bill Burgess and Mary Card for representing our club in Courtenay.

Carol Bucyk


Results from Nanaimo’s Connect Hearing Tournament

Nanaimo held its  Connect Hearing Tournament on May 4th and 5th, and there were  number of different clubs  in on the winnings.

First place went to  Dean Penny, Vern Greenhill and Shelley McCollom  of  Courtenay.  Second was the team  of  Ian Yewer, Ann Yewer and Wayne Migneault from the Nanaimo club.  The Ewen family (Erik, Susan and Luci) from Qualicum Beach took third.  Ross Younger, Barb and Margie Carpenter  of Nanaimo took fourth.  Rounding out the top five was the team of Bill Burgess, Don Urquhart and Robbie Thomas from the Parksville Lawn Bowling Club.

Carol Bucyk

And the Winners Are…..

The Parksville Lawn Bowling Club wrapped up its outdoor season on Sunday, September 24th with a lovely meal, and lively banter courtesy of our m.c.,  Mick Banks.  The club handed out the hardware (bag tags and trophies) in a number of categories for all the different events, tournaments and leagues that were run this year.  The following is a summary of what happened with our players on home turf and at different clubs throughout the North Island.

Bowlympics, sponsored by RBC on May 22.    Gold medal winners were Peter Scott, David Van Rooyen

, Robbie Thomas and Pam Pratt.  The Silver medalists were Andy Burton, Avril Adamson, Bob Merrell and Pam Smith.  Bronze was earned by Ken Olenick, Bros Brosnikoff, Pam Oldfield and Paul McGrath.

 Club Mixed Triples sponsored by Cutting Edge Trophies, July 5th.  Rick  Dolley, Athol Trickett and Robbie Thomas.

Jack & Jill July 19 & 20:  Aase McMullin and Keith Terlson

Ferguson Exteriors Open Men’s and Women’s Triples July 29 & 30th:   Mike Kelly, Bill Burgess, Don Urquhart and Diane Cruickshank, Kathleen Motley, Fay St. Marie.

Thrifty Foods Mix

ed Pairs August 12:  Carol and Ken Bucyk

Norma Antrim Club Ladies Novice Singles August 5 & 6: Pam Oldfield

Club Ladies Intermediate Singles August 5 & 6: Jo-Anne Merrell

Computec Engraving Club Men’s Novice Singles August 5 & 6: Bob Ashton

Club Intermediate Men’s Singles August 5 & 6: Bob Merrell (bag tag)

PS Pharmasave Club Men’s and Women’s Singles August 12 & 13:  Peter Scott and Carol Bucyk

Bob and Betty Benton Trophy Pairs:  Bill Burgess and Roberta Stets

Cut Throat Seasons A & B:  Mike Kelly and Bob Ashton

Battle of the Sexes September 20 & 21.  The coveted Salmon Can Trophy went to the men this year.  Andrew Adamson & Bob Merrell accepted  the Gloria Wilcox Men’s Triples Trophy  on behalf of their winning team.  Trevor Motley and Murray Sinclair were unable to attend.

Andrew Adamson and Bob Merrell holding the Gloria Wilcox Men’s Triples trophy. They were part of the winning team with Trevor Motley and Murray Sinclair.
A happy winner, Bill Burgess! Roberta was unable to attend.
Joey and Bob – Another winning evening!

Pam Oldfield, Novice Women’s Single Winner


Peter Scott with his Men’s Singles trophy.
Carol and Ken Bucyk with their trophy, District Pairs which was won in Port Alberni Sept 17.
The Bobs are wearing their medals from the District Novice and Intermediate tournaments.
Carol Bucyk and the trophy almost as big as her. She won the Club Women’s Singles for 2023.
Winners of District medals from left to right: Ken and Carol Bucyk – District Pairs. Jo-Anne Merrell Intermediate Singles. Bob Ashton, Novice Singles (men). Pam Oldfield Novice Singles Women) Bob Merrell Intermediate Singles.

Twisted Triples:  Chris and Martin Fereday with Janet Harding

Scotch Pairs: Kathleen Motley & Trevor Motley

District Medals:    Men’s Novice Singles:  Bob Ashton.    Men’s Intermediate Singles:  Bob Merrell

District Pairs:  Ken and Carol Bucyk

Thanks to all who made the wrap up dinner such a lovely evening;  Chuck for his photos, Lynn, Vicky and all the kitchen people who created a very scrumptious meal and floral arrangements for the table,  Mick as m.c., our bartenders, the club members who came out for the evening and all who have played throughout the year, the groundskeepers…you were outstanding in creating an absolutely beautiful green for 2023,  and all of our sponsors.  I look forward to seeing you on the green in 2024.

Carol Bucyk


Battle of the Sexes Declared!!!

The battle was on the green September 20th and 21st with a number of teams vying for the coveted Gloria Wilcox trophy.  The greens were once again in superb condition and the weather was not an issue at all as the men and women got down to business.  On the women’s side, the winning team was that of Joey Merrell, Robbie Thomas and Diana Olenick/Beverly Benson.    Second went to Sandi Mitchell, Karen Perrin and Beverly Benson.  Third place was earned by the team of Kathleen Motley, Cheryl Baker and Terry Chapell.

One the men’s side, Trevor Motley, Bob Merrell and Andrew Adamson/Murray Sinclair took first place.  The team of Peter Scott, Chuck Benson and Don Bouchard/Andy Burton earned second.  Don Urquhart, Dave Perry and George Wallis took home third place.

The men won the “Battle of the Sexes” for 2023.  Great play on both sides.  Thanks everyone for  taking part in the final event of the season.


The guys are all smiles as they celebrate being winners of this year’s Battle of the Sexes.


Here’s Birthday Boy Olav S. hoisting a cupcake on the occasion of his 93rd birthday. Happy, happy birthday, Olav!!
Congrats to Robbie, Joey, Diana & Beverly Benson.
Andrew, Trevor, Bob and Murray smile for the camera.