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Author: Robbie Thomas

Volunteer(s) Please

Volunteer(s) for pop & water

I’m looking for a volunteer to take care of pop and water supplies.  Mick has been doing this job for quite sometime and he’s retiring.  Both are purchased at Costco so it’s a matter of one or more persons who shop there to pick the supplies up as needed.  Please contact me if you are able to help out.

Thank you
Phone 250-248-6808

Baking Needed

Baking Needed

Hello to all members.  Hope winter has found you healthy.  Spring is just around the corner and we have a short mat tournament coming up March 22 & 23rd.  It would be much appreciated if you could contribute cookies or squares to have with tea & coffee.  Please put a date on the baking.

Following the tournament there is open house mid April.  So the season is upon us.

Many thanks,

Bowling Aids

Bowling aids

For bowlers who are having some physical problems and are finding a conventional delivery troublesome, there are two aids that may help:  the UBI launcher and a hacksaw delivery arm.  Both of these can be viewed on YouTube.

We have the UBI launcher and Courtenay lawn bowling club has some of the hacksaw delivery arms.  They have offered to come here to demonstrate these to our members.  I have put up a sign up sheet on the coaching board for anyone interested.  This will probably be in May.

Sandi Mitchell, Player development

55+ BC Games

To all members of Parksville Lawn Bowling Club, I am the Zone 2 Sports Coordinator for the 55+ BC Games being held September 9-13, 2025 in Nanaimo.

See calendar for more information.


The cost is $130 per participant.

$20 membership fee

$10 sport fee

$100 participant fee


Should there be more than 10 men and 10 women playdowns will likely be sometime during May 1- 11, 2025.

More info to follow in March, feel free to contact me if you have any questions


Thank you,

April Sloan

Treasurer, Parksville Lawn Bowling Club

Training in Measuring


Do you want to be more confidant in your ability to determine “shot” with a box string measure?

As a Lead in a Pairs game or a Third in a Triples or Fours game it is your job to measure and agree the number of shots with your opposite number.

One on one training is offered with a qualified umpire in a 30 minute session. This will be in the Clubhouse until the end of March and on the green, when it is available, from April onwards.

Contact Martin at with questions or to book a time.

Thrifty’s Smile Cards

Thrifty’s Smile Cards

It’s a new month, so it must be time for your new Thrifty’s Smile Cards.

This is a great way to support your club, while buying your groceries.  Even if Thrifty’s isn’t your regular store to shop at, like all large supermarkets, there are regular specials to be had.  These gift cards are available in the amounts of $50, $100 or $200, and must be ordered by Wednesday February 5th.  Order yours today by clicking Smile card Order Form. They will be ready for pick up as early as Friday, I’ll let you know the time.

Your club thanks you for your support.

Membership Dues

Membership Dues Update

The increase in dues from $208 to $214 for both Membership and Associates was approved at the November 2024 AGM.


Rob Matthews, President

Food Bank Thanks

*** Thank you ***

Sheila and I would like to send a warm thank you to everyone who donated to the food bank drive this past Christmas.
Through your generous support our club was able to deliver 2 full car loads of food for those in need!

Wayne Larocque

Short Mat Christmas Break

Short Mat Christmas Break

This is a reminder that the last day of short mat, before the Christmas break, is Sunday 15th December.

Short mat and Friday Happy Hour will resume on Tuesday 7th January.

Hope you all have a very happy Christmas and look forwards to a great New Year.

Mick Banks

Christmas Gift Exchange

Christmas Gift Exchange Update

There have been some questions regarding the gift exchange.  I will suggest a gift AROUND the $20 mark.  It’s not mandatory to buy a gift at all, your choice.

It would be a good gesture to donate to the food bank for the people in need!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday for a fun get together!!  There is still room for more to sign up.

If anyone has any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me by email or phone.

Marg Wood