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Author: Murray Sinclair

Triples League – Cancelled

The Triples league, which starts May 11,  has only 4 teams signed up. A minimum of 6 teams is required, otherwise the league will be canceled.
The sign up sheet will be on the board until Thursday, May 3rd.
Kate Wilson

Laws of the Sport

Laws of the Sport new edition is now available to be ordered from Bowls Canada.  The club will not be stocking spare copies but will order copies for anyone who would like one.  So far 8 people have indicated their interest.   I will be placing an order May 4.  The cost will be approximately $15.  Please contact me to be added to the list.    Cheryl Baker


Calendar Changes to make note of:
 Please note that the meet and greet the novices on April 30 has been replaced by a 12 end draw at 1:00 and the meet and greet has been changed to May 14 at 1:00