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Author: Murray Sinclair

Board News

Watch for some great changes to the front entrance to our club. The tarmac will soon be replaced so that there is a level,  attractive walkway to the clubhouse. Repairs will be made to the bowl shed and it will be repainted. Also, the front wall of the clubhouse will be refreshed with a new coat pf paint.

In the Fall plans are underway to increase the size of the equipment shed where the scoreboards, rakes, mats etc are stored. This will greatly improve the convenience of using this building.

The SAGM will be held on April 6th and there will be a volunteer recruitment. Please give some consideration as to how you might be further able to add to the enjoyment of our club by volunteering. There will be many suggestions available from the members manning the table. Be sure to stop and talk to them.

Also our Membership Director, Kathleen will be accepting membership fees for those who wish to pay in person.

Upcoming Dates

The events below can be found on the website calendar.

SGAM April 6th 1:00 p.m.

Garage Sale April 13th

Open House April 20th and 21st

Bowling begins April 28th

Board News

Your Board of directors has been busy over the winter and the following is an update of  some of the happenings arising from their meetings. The minutes of the Board meetings are posted in the Member’s Area of the website.

New Security System

A new security system by Blanchard Security has been installed. It is hoped that this will greatly reduce the number of false alarms causing the responsible members to make late night visits to the club to check that all is well. The new system will automatically set the alarms at 10:00 p.m. at night but the first person in the morning will still need to use their key to disarm the system.

RDN Award

The RDN awarded its Performance Recognition Award to Sandi Mitchell, Chris Fereday and Carol Bucyk for their first place finish at the B.C. Senior Ladies competition. Congratulations ladies!

Website Update

As a result of a number of member requests, the calendar on the website has been updated by our web master Don Urquhart. You can now click on the little arrow beside the month to activate a chart of all the months so that you can easily select the month you wish to view. You can also use the “ Filter” icon to select the area you wish to see. For example you can select Draws if you only want to see a calendar of our draws. Check it out.

DARF Projects

The Board continues to evaluate and plan for the eventual replacement of aging appliances, furnishing etc. in the clubhouse. We are fortunate that our club has had the fore sight to set aside funds for this purpose.

New Benches

Andrew Adamson, The Grounds Director, has been finalizing plans for the installation of the new seats and backs for the benches around the green. This work will be completed once the weather starts to warm up. Watch for a posting of the date for this project and please consider volunteering some time to help. Many hands make light work.

New Scoreboards

Over the winter, Mick Banks has been working hard to develop new scoreboards for the club. These will be ready for use once bowling begins. These new scoreboards are much lighter which will make them easier to transport to and from the green. Inorder to  make this task even easier, he has a wagon which is designed to transport all the scoreboards in one trip.

Well done Mick, you will have made the task of setting up the greens for play so much easier.

Improvements to the Club House Entrance

If you have been to the club lately, you will have noticed some changes to the entrance area. The Virginia Creeper on the fence has been removed. The roots from this plant have been causing the tarmac to crack and buckle. You may also notice yellow markings on the asphalt. The Board is looking at the feasibility of remediating the tarmac in oder to remove any safety hazards.

Winter Activities

The Club House has been very busy this winter with activities planned for most days of the week. Many members, as well as community members, have been attending and enjoying these activities. Thanks goes out to the organizers of these events whose hard work makes them possible. Check out the calendar on the website for a listing of all events.

Games Committee

The games committee led by Director Kathleen Motley is busy planning for the upcoming season. Many thanks to Joey Merrell who updates the website calendar.

Upcoming Dates

Mark the following on your calendar:

SGAM April 6th

Garage Sale April 13th

Open House April 20th

Bowling begins April 28th

Food Drive

A box is being placed in the Sunroom to accept food donations for the local food drive.  Please feel free to stop by anytime to make your donation… or, bring a non perishable item with you to the AGM and place it in the box.  Every little bit helps when you are someone in need.
Many thanks in advance for you kindness.
Wayne & Sheila Larocque

Fun Card and Board Game Night Saturday November 18th.

This will be a night to have some fun playing some different and unusual card and board games.  Games we have for the evening are the kind of games that do not need a lot of instruction or skill………just some fun and some laughs. Some potential games to be played are:  Saskatchewan Rummy, Quiddler, Sequence, Mexican Train, Crazy 8’s and a host of others.  Doesn’t matter if you don’t know any of the games.   They are all simple, easy to follow and understand.

Just like lawn bowling, we Draw for the table you will play at.  The Draw takes place at 7:00 PM so please arrive a little early (6:45-6:50).   We play for about 1.25 hours, stop for refreshments, and then draw for another game.   Play is usually over about 9:30 PM.

 Cost is $2.00 and that includes tea and snacks.  Bar is also open for the evening.

Questions:    call Barry Conn at 250-927-2468 or

Halloween Games Day 2023

Saturday October 28th 2023

Start at 12:30 pm for 1:00 pm

Lasagna, salad, and dessert plus tea, coffee, goodies and prizes

Come and play games you have not tried before:

Short Mat Bean Bag Toss (Cornhole) Wii Tenpin Bowling  + Darts x 2  + Table Skittles

If possible dress in purple, black, orange or even better COSTUME

Maximum of 36 contestants, 12 mixed teams

First come first served

Entries on or After 10:00 am

Sign-up contact – Sandi Mitchell


Winter Activities

We have a full slate of winter activities planned. Please consider the following for your winter social calendar.

Mahjong is open to club members and the public so please feel free to invite friends and relatives to join us. We will be playing the Chinese version of Mahjong. It is important to realize that this game bears no similarity to the games played on the internet. The season for veteran players will begin on Monday, November 6th at 7:00 p.m. Please arrive a few minutes early.

If you have never played Mahjong before or you would like to refresh your skills, or if you have played the American version and would like to learn the Chinese version, we will be providing 3 weeks of instruction beginning on Monday, October 16th. 

Coordinaor: Murray Sinclair

Tuesday, Friday and Sunday:

Short Mat: Times are 1:00 – 3:00

For those members who are wondering what short mat is all about, now is your opportunity to find out.

 No ongoing commitment required.  We also contribute 25 cents a session which allows us to hold a get together at the end of the season. Last year it was a pizza party.

For the Information Meeting, the mats will be setup so we can explain what the various areas on the mats are, a few of the basic rules, suggested stance and delivery styles.

You will have the opportunity to deliver some bowls if you so desire.

Please wash your bowls before coming to remove any chemicals from them that they may have picked up from the green. Don’t put any polish or wax on them as that will absorb into the mats.

If you will be using Club bowls please arrive a little early so you can wash and dry them before we begin.

 Coordinator: Garry Steele


Crib will start Wednesday October 11th. We will play from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. We will start with 6 games until attendance grows, then 8 games.  So please tell your friends. Coordinators: Brian Larkin and Terry Nichols

Darts begins Oct 11th
Wed evenings 7- 9pm
Members only
Coordinators: Wayne Laroque and Tex Gooding
Bridge begins Oct 12th
Thursday afternoons 1- 4 pm
It’s open to both members and the public.
Coordinators: Wayne Laroque and Carol Matthews
The fun Card and Board Games nights have also been scheduled with the first one on Saturday, October 21st

Tenderfoot Tournament

The annual open tournament for tenderfoot players is on July 15 and 16. Members of a tenderfoot team must have started bowling in 2018 or later. Each team must have at least one novice. 

There will be 4 games in total; 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. Entry is $30 per team. Teams will be coming from our club and the other clubs in our district.
A sign up sheet has been posted in the sunroom. You may enter your own team or you may put your name down as wanting to play. Teams will be made up from those who have not formed their own team.
The tenderfoot tournament is a good way for those wanting to start playing at a higher degree of competition but may feel intimidated by the competition in other open tournaments. The tenderfoot is the only time you can play against bowlers of similar experience. 
There will be coaching for all teams from our club who wish it. The coaching will touch on strategies for skips and what shots are best for different situations. 
For more information you can call Kathleen Motley, Games Chair or Sandi Mitchell,  Player Development. 

Week of May 15 to May 21

New Bar Pricing

Effective Monday, May 22 new bar pricing will be as follows:

Beer, Wine, Cider, Coolers     $5.00

Guiness                                      $6.00

Non-Alcohol Beer                    $4.00

Also, no personal beverages are allowed to be stored in the bar cooler or fridge.  This will ensure  that Club inventories are accounted for correctly. Bill Burgess, Bar Manager

Visitors to the Club

Just to bring to your attention, if a visiting bowler from another club wants to bowl at our club ( not an associate member)  the fee is $5.00 each time.   If they are to borrow bowls another $5.00 fee to be paid to the  drawmaster and put in the money box in an envelope on the back of the cupboard door. Kathleen Motley

Website Launch

Don’t forget to join us Friday after the Looney Draw for the launch of our new website. Everyone welcome.


Join us next Monday, Victoria Day, for our annual Bowlympics competition. Help your team win a gold, silver or bronze medal. Tags in by 12:45 and we will be playing 8 ends. Join us in the club house after the game for the medal presentation ceremony. Tea, coffee, cake and ice cream will be served. The bar will also be open.

Measuring Clinic – May 26 at 9:30

Martin Fereday, our head umpire, will be holding a measuring clinic for this year’s novices. All novices from this year and any from last year who did not participate in a measuring clinic are encouraged to attend. Knowing how and what to measure is an important part of the game. The duty does fall to thirds but every now and again you may be playing in a position that requires you to know how. It is also one of the skills you must know before moving up to the next position. See you Friday. Some coaching for those who need help with line, weight and delivery will also be available. Sandi Mitchell, Player Development

UBI Launcher Demonstration

Mark your calendars! On June 2 rather than regular coaching we will be giving a demonstration on the use of the UBI launcher. If you are wondering what it is or why it is, come out at 9:30 to see. 

The coaching schedule, which is posted on the board, is also a great way to see what skills exercises your coaches will have set up for you to try. The exercises are designed to help you develop more bowling skills. 
They still offer help with delivery problems of bowls or jacks as well. Sandi Mitchell, Player Development
Membership Receipts

Receipts not yet claimed, for all membership fees paid and also your bowls BC cards, are in a ziploc bag hanging on the tag board. They should be in alphabetical order. Please collect your receipt and card. Social members do not need a bowls BC card.

Week of May 8 to May 14

Thursday Morning Bowling
Starting May 18. Tags in by 9:30
10 ends
Drawmasters: Maureen and Malcolm Anderson

Bowlympics Fun Day
Tags in by 12:45. Each team will try out their luck in completing some fun bowling activities. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the winning teams courtesy of RBC Wealth Management.
Medal winners from previous years are encouraged to wear their medals for this event.
Murray Sinclair

Week of May 1 to May 7

Go for the Gold

Reserve Monday, May 22nd for our first Fun Day of the year. This year we will celebrate Victoria day by competing in the Bowlympics event. Each team will compete in a series of simple skill challenges with an emphasis on fun and friendly competition. There will be more information next week.

Bar Service

Due to strong turnout for Thursday afternoon draws we will begin offering bar service every Thursday starting May 11.  Please plan to stay and enjoy a drink with your fellow bowlers. Bill Burgess


The Thursday night Triples League is canceled due to insufficient sign up.
Kate​ Wilson​

Membership Updates

An order of name tags came in. If you ordered before the end of April you should find your badge in the draw room on the table under the tag board. A second order went in last week, so if you don’t see your name tag it should come next week.

Anyone still needing to order a name tag please let me know ASAP    $15 for either a magnet or pin.

Changes of address or phone number

Several members have given up their land line and are using only cell phones now. If that applies to you and you have not let me know please advise me of this, or any other changes, in your contact information.

Kathleen Arthorne, Membership director