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Author: Murray Sinclair

Green. Closed

The Green will be in use on the morning of July 18th for a special event. As a result the 10 end draw is cancelled for that morning.

Canada Day 2024

Champ/War Amps

The club was happy to host Darevin and his grandparents to our annual fundraising event for the Champ/War Amps.  The weather was perfect.  It was well attended as normal, with 4 teams of 4, and 4 teams of 3.  It was a fun time out on the green.  After the game everyone enjoyed cake and socializing.  Darevin was presented with a cheque for $1,300.00 to go to the War Amps.  He said a few words and is a worthy ambassador of the charity.

Thanks to all who volunteered and participated to make it happen.



Darevin accepts the donation check for Champs.


Our Club in red & white!

Thrifty Smile Card

Orders will be accepted until noon on Tuesday June 25nd.  They will be ready for distribution on Saturday 22nd.  All Card purchases benefit our Club.  Denominations are $200, $100 or $50. 
Place your order on the Contact Us – Smile Card page.

Let’s surpass our goal of $4,000 this time.

Thanks for your ongoing support.
Chris Fereday 

Weekly News – April 28 – May 4


A reminder that the 2024 membership fees are now due.

Full membership $208, Social $21, Locker Rental $15.

Thanks to all those members who have already renewed. In order to accommodate 26 new members, I will need to update the tag board in the draw room. If you have not renewed your membership your tag may be removed. To avoid this please advise me if you plan to renew soon. I would also appreciate knowing whether or not you intend to keep your locker.

Name tags for new members have been ordered. They will be placed in the
draw room below the tag board as soon as I receive them.

Kathleen Arthorne




Powered by Volunteers


12:45 PM: DRAW BOARD CLOSES (Tags in)



A special welcome to all our Novice Bowlers



First Bowl of 2024

Well wasn’t it great to be out on the green again!

The first Bowl was bowled by Markey Pellow, who joined the club 29 years ago  and is  still an avid bowler with the club.

Sixty four members ( 5 novices) joined in the draw. A little rain didn’t deter the bowlers as shortly the sun appeared and it was a wonderful afternoon.

A social time was held after the draw in the club house, providing an opportunity to meet our novices and friends after the winter break.

Enjoy the coming bowling season with draws, club tournaments, open tournaments, fun days and leagues.


Kathleen Motley,  Games Director


Markey Pellow delivers the first bowl of the season.

Markey Pellow is all style as she rolls the first bowl of our 2024 Lawn Bowling Season.

Markey Pellow is all style as she rolls the first bowl of our 2024 Lawn Bowling Season.












Weekly News – Apr 21-27

Did you know?

You can simplify the calendar to just show the events you are interested in. Click on “Filter” and then “Category”, select the items you want to see and then click “Find Events”

Thank You

The coaches have finished 4 days of coaching new members and we have 24+ new members. Thanks to Lynne, Beverly, Vicki and Andy C. for setting out coffee and goodies. Thanks to all the dedicated coaches who put in long days helping people to learn to bowl. Thanks also to all the club members who came out to help. It makes it so much easier with your help.

 And a huge WELCOME to our newest members.
Sandi Mitchell 


The last day to order your Smile Card is Saturday at noon.  They will be ready for distribution at the Opening Day Draw on Sunday.  Click here to order

Opening Day

This coming Sunday April 28th, tags in by 12:45.  12 end draw  “ Start the SUN dance now!”

May 1. Registration closes for spring leagues

       Mixed triples Tuesday 6:30
       Cutthroat. Wednesday 9:30
       Mixed pairs Thursday 6:30
       Still room for entries $6.00 pp


to the 40 folks who signed up for lessons at the open houses. We hope you enjoy the upcoming lessons and we look forward to welcoming you as members of our club should you decide to join.

PLBC members

Smile Card

It’s Smile Card Time.  Please click

to place your order, last day for orders is Saturday April 27th at noon.  They will be ready for distribution on Sunday, just in time for our opening day draw.  If you know your friends or neighbours like to shop at Thrifty’s, why not ask them to send in an order too?

Chris Fereday

For everyone’s information

Coaching on April 23 to 26 will be from 9:30 till 3:00. We will be having two shifts this year. You can come and use the green after 3:00. If you would like some help before the season starts please contact me through the website under player development.

Sandi Mitchell 

Volunteer Recruitment

Volunteers are needed in the following areas:

1. Preparation for, and throughout the Summer Season. 

GROUNDS.  General light maintenance of flower beds and mowing and edging grass surrounds around the Green, around the Club House and rear grass parking lot.  The main work day is every Monday morning throughout the season. Ideally we should have about 10-12 people so we could rotate the tasks as some commitment is needed but not every week. Refreshment break, tea, coffee and goodies provided. 

GREENS.  Trainee mower operators with a view to assist with the regular Monday, Wednesday and Friday grass cutting of the green.  Usually, a team of two but ideally a team of three.  Trainee Greens Iron (roller) operator. At least once a week but ideally after every grass cutting.  Again, we should have a list of 10-12 people in total so that the tasks can be rotated and provide cover for vacations. These operators can also be introduced and trained in the use of machines that are not used every week. These machines are all selfpropelled and relatively easy to use.

2. Regularly throughout the summer season and occasionally during the winter season. 

SOCIAL/KITCHEN.  The function at present of the Social/Kitchen is to provide tea, coffee and goodies during Club and Open Competitions from approximately 9.00 am to 2.00 pm. The volunteers working a rota system.  Volunteers will be needed as follows- 

  1. One Volunteer to take on the position of Social Director.  This is a Board position and basically is a member able to oversee the overall running of the kitchen, supervising volunteers, organzing the restocking of supplies and general kitchen cleanliness. Volunteers can be utilized to assist with these tasks. 
  2. Volunteers to assist taking part in a rota system for preparing tea, coffee and goodies when required.  Volunteers to occasionally operate the BBQ’s at nominated Open Competitions.  Generally, lunches will be Brown Bag supplied by the competitors. 


Volunteers willing to assist with occasional extra work around the clubhouse, grounds and greens.  Tasks include painting, cleaning, equipment and building maintenance and greens marking for competitions. Ideally there would be a 10-12 volunteers to call on as this could be at short notice with information circulated via the Web Site.

For past information – click “Previous” below.

Opening Day

Opening Day Event

Sunday April 28th

Tags in by 12:45

12 ends

First bowl of the season to be bowled just after 1:00

Bar open after for social time

National Volunteer Week

“Just under 4 of 5 Canadians volunteered in some capacity in 2018. Forty two percent  of Canadians did some kind of Volunteer work. Volunteering is at its core the most basic human activity that we do. You see a job that needs doing, some one that needs a hand, a problem, that needs to be solved, you get it done without asking for anything in return just because it is the right thing to do.”
Thank you for all the willing volunteers that we have at PLBC during this week April 14th  to 20th  



PGOSA will be renting the green for the exclusive use of their members on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30. This activity will take place each Wednesday night from May 15th until September 25th. The club house and deck remain open to PLBC members. 

North Island Interclub Triples Tournament




Host Clubs

Qualicum May 13th

Parksville May 27th

Courtenay June 10th

Nanaimo June 24th

Qualicum July 8th

Parksville July 22nd

Each club provides 4 teams (2 men and 2 ladies + spares). When hosting, the club also arranges for snacks and socialization after the game.

$2.00 per person per / game.

Team sign up beforehand.