Club Men’s and Ladies’ Triples. The event is being run differently this year. It will be Ladies vs. Men the whole tournament. Further information to follow regarding sign up.
Final Fun Day Event
Our final Fun Day event of the season will be held on Monday, September 4th. Please have your tags in by 12:45. There will be a short skills contest on the green followed by an 8 end game featuring mystery scoring surprises for each end. This is guaranteed to create lots of fun and will be followed by a social time in the clubhouse.
Important news! There will be a measuring clinic on August 28th at 1:00. Open to everyone who wants to learn how to measure correctly. Novices, seconds, thirds you’re all encouraged to attend. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board so that we have an idea of how many will be attending. See you then.
The Friday loonie/toonie Draw will be 12 ends until further notice. This change is due to the high temperatures.
Thank you, Mick.
Baking Update
Thanks to all the members that rallied to my call for cakes and cookies to replenish the stock. The response was unbelievable. We are now very much replenished and the freezers are bursting at the seams. This stock should, I hope, last for some time so you can all take some time off.
Many thanks again, Vicki
Fun and Food Night
A fun and food night is planned for Wednesday, August 30 @ 5:00 pm. The meal will be crispy fried chicken, potato salad or coleslaw. Dessert , tea and coffee will be served after 10 ends of “Count ‘em down…count ‘em up”. The cost will be $10.00. The sign up sheet will be posted on Monday, August 14th in the sun room and will be removed on Monday, August 28th. Sign up and join in the fun.
Last chance to order your Save-on-Foods card for our newest fundraiser. All orders must be in by noon today (Monday), for pick up on Friday. Payments can be made to or cheque or cash. To order click on “contacts” on the website, for order form or follow this link
Chris Fereday
Although there are no scheduled coaching sessions on Friday mornings, coaching is still available. You can go to the website under Player Development / Coaching or follow this link Player Development | Parksville Lawn Bowling Club and send in a request for help.
Sandi Mitchell, Player Development
Save-on-Foods Fundraiser
Here’s another way to support your club. Save-on-Foods offer the same fundraising opportunities as Thrifty’s. Let’s give it a try. You can order in denominations of, $10, $25, $50 or $100. If we buy $4,000 or more, the Club will get back 6%. This is the same as Thrifty’s. You must pre-order before Monday August 7th. Click on Contacts for the order form.
The Club has an urgent need for baking (cookies, muffins etc.) for use in the upcoming tournaments. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Laws of the game questions ….. What’s the rule on that.
Q1. A bowl has been delivered on Rink 1. The skip standing behind the head on Rink 2 sees that the bowl from Rink 1 has been delivered quite widely and is about to hit a bowl on Rink 2. This skip rushes forward and stops the Rink 1 bowl. Now what happens?
Hint. It depends on which bias the bowl was delivered with.
The relevant Law is 37.6. If the bowl was delivered with the correct bias, (no need to judge if it would have affected the head), it will be returned to be replayed. If it was on the wrong bias it is a dead bowl and sits on the bank until the next end is played.
Q2. A skip inadvertently kicks a previously delivered bowl that was in the head and moves it but manages to stop it from contacting any other bowls. What happens to the moved bowl?
The relevant Law is ” the opponent (of the player who accidentally kicked the bowl) must put the bowl back to its former position. Emphasis on ‘must’, it can’t be left where it is. The opponent has full control of where the bowl is placed, the kicker has no say in the matter. In the spirit of the game the opponent should not place the bowl in a more advantageous position than it originally was.
Q3. In a triples game the leads and thirds from each team have delivered their bowls. The great march of the skips and leads/thirds from one end of the rink to the other is in progress. Skip A and his third, who has just delivered his last bowl, stop mid-rink to discuss what a great bowl it was and what to do next. Meanwhile the other 4 players keep walking and skip B picks up her bowl and approaches the mat, only to see that Team A’s skip and third have just completed their conference and are now walking to their respective ends of the rink. What law has possibly been broken and by which team?
The Law is 13. Possession of the rink. The skip and third of team A who stopped to confer in the middle of the rink have broken this law. Following delivery of Third A’s last bowl and when all bowls have come to rest, possession of the rink immediately passes to Team B. That means Team B has the right to deliver their next bowl as soon as they are ready, without having to wait for their opponents to get out of the way. In this situation where all the players are moving from one end of the rink to the other, the team that does not have rink possession (Team A), should not consult mid-rink, or linger to inspect the head as they walk past it., they should get to the other end of the rink with or ahead of their opponents. In an umpired game the penalty for repeated rink possession violation could range from having their last bowl removed from the head, to the end being replayed if that bowl has disturbed the head.
Today is the last day to order your Smile Card. They will be distributed this weekend. Please order through the website, just click the following link Smile Cards – Parksville Lawn Bowling Club to access the order form. Thank you.
Laws of the game questions …..
Q1. A bowl has been delivered on Rink 1. The skip standing behind the head on Rink 2 sees that the bowl from Rink 1 has been delivered quite widely and is about to hit a bowl on Rink 2. This skip rushes forward and stops the Rink 1 bowl. Now what happens?
Hint. It depends on which bias the bowl was delivered with.
Q2. A skip inadvertently kicks a previously delivered bowl that was in the head and moves it but manages to stop it from contacting any other bowls. What happens to the moved bowl?
Q3. In a triples game the leads and thirds from each team have delivered their bowls. The great march of the skips and leads/thirds from one end of the rink to the other is in progress. Skip A and his third, who has just delivered his last bowl, stop mid-rink to discuss what a great bowl it was and what to do next. Meanwhile the other 4 players keep walking and skip B picks up her bowl and approaches the mat, only to see that Team A’s skip and third have just completed their conference and are now walking to their respective ends of the rink. What law has possibly been broken and by which team?
Any bowlers, new or veteran, who do not hold a Marker Certification please contact Martin at to register your interest in changing that situation. We have a number of Singles competitions upcoming with lots of markers needed.
Existing Markers
Check the date shown on your marker card. All cards have been extended by 2 years automatically. As an example if your card shows an expiry in 2021 it has been automatically extended to the end of 2023. If your card shows 2020 or earlier you need to requalify.
Thrifty’s Smile Cards
It’s time again to re-stock your Thrifty’s Smile Cards. You can now order directly through the website, just hit this link Smile Cards – Parksville Lawn Bowling Club which take you to the order form. I will be purchasing them on Friday July 21st, so your orders must be in by Thursday evening, preferably sooner. This is a great fundraiser for our Club. Thanks for your ongoing support.
The following Fridays the 14, 21, 28 are devoted to coaching for singles. If you want a rink for practice, I suggest you come a bit after 9:30 to get a rink.
A lot of people have expressed interest in signing in to the Members Only area of the new website. We have only just started putting content on these pages, with more to come soon.
NOTE: The ID/password you were sent for the old site is no longer to be used. All members will log in with the same ID/password and we will send this out soon.