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Author: Don Urquhart

Our Calendar has Changed!!

Due to the problems some cell phone users were having with time zones we have changed the format, that we hope you will find cleaner and easier to use!

All events are now preceded by either the start time of the event, or “All Day” for full day events, and the “Local Time:….” is gone.

As always, for the additional details of the event click on the event to open it.

Hope you like the new look.

Members Only Credentials Sent!

The credentials that all members will use for the Members Only area of the web site have been sent to all full members that I have email addresses for. I apologize for the format of the message some of you received; coffee hadn’t kicked in! Just scroll down to the bottom to see the message.

If you have not received an email, let me know and I will give the credentials to you. Rember, PLEASE DO NOT SHARE with non-members as the information in this area is private.


Contest: Where’s Waldo… er..Chuckles!

WaldoChuckles    has gone missing & we need your help to find him! He has also developed a (??more??) split personality that means he thinks there are 3 of him! (This post & the trophy picture DO NOT count!!)

At some point Mon. 22nd, he (they?) will reappear on our new website. Your job is to find him and tell us where he is. All entrants with correct answers will be entered into a draw for a valuable (& tasty) prize. Find 1 Chuckles you get 1 entry, find 2 and you get 3! Find all 3 and you get 6 entries. Please be specific on your answers; minimum what page he is on and where he is on that page.

Entries are to be done using the Contact form which can be found on the Contact page and will be accepted until Thur. June 1st with the draw on Friday after the draw.

Help Wanted to move web site photos

Moving the photos over from the old website to the new is a huge job and we need help to get it done!

It is NOT hard; just repetitive. The only requirements are a few computer skills (nothing difficult), and a bit of organizational skills. It can be done bit by bit when you have time.

If YOU can help, please contact either Murray Sinclair or Don Urquhart.

Evening Leagues Signup

Sign up sheets are now available in the clubhouse for the first round of evening leagues, starting May 2nd! Space is limited so signup now!

Tue.s –    Pairs

Wed.s –  Cutthroat

Thu.s –    Triples League