Bowls Knowledge Quiz
Once you have answered the questions below, click on them to reveal the answers.
A. If you are waiting to see if a bowl might fall over thereby making it either closer or further from the jack.
A. They lose the right to play it.
A. Alert the players on the adjacent rink that a bowl is coming into their rink. It is their job to protect their bowls and head.
A. You may stop the bowl. You may lift your bowl and allow the neighbour’s bowl to pass by. If you don’t stop it in time and it disturbs your head replace your head as best you can.
A. If the bowl was on the correct bias the bowl is returned to be replayed. If it was a wrong bias it becomes a dead bowl and is placed on the bank.
A. Replace the wrong bowl with the right one.
A. There are a number of options. The simplest is to either return the bowl to have the players play proper order or have the next bowler play 2 bowls in succession and get back in the right order. However, should both players play out of turn they will remain in that order until the end is over.
A. Once measuring has started no further bowls can be delivered.
A. You should draw a line around them in the sand. If a non-toucher comes into contact with the toucher or jack and moves either, they are replaced in the correct position.