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What’s Happening

Week of July 10 – 16, 2023

July 14, 2023

Parksville Lawn Bowling Club

Marker Qualification

Any bowlers, new or veteran, who do not hold a Marker Certification please contact Martin at to register your interest in changing that situation. We have a number of Singles competitions upcoming with lots of markers needed.

Existing Markers

Check the date shown on your marker card. All cards have been extended by 2 years automatically. As an example if your card shows an expiry in 2021 it has been automatically extended to the end of 2023. If your card shows 2020 or earlier you need to requalify.

Thrifty’s Smile Cards

It’s time again to re-stock your Thrifty’s Smile Cards.  You can now order directly through the website, just hit this link Smile Cards – Parksville Lawn Bowling Club which take you to the order form.  I will be purchasing them on Friday July 21st, so your orders must be in by Thursday evening, preferably sooner.  This is a great fundraiser for our Club.  Thanks for your ongoing support.

Chris Fereday

July 2024
29 July
All Day

All Day – Green Closed

29 July
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

1:00 PM – Thirds Clinic

31 July
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

6:30PM – PGOSA

August 2024
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